Friday, 24 June 2011

CPD23 - Thing 2 - Investigate some other blogs

Well, I've gone out of my comfort zone and actually commented on some blogs. Its like putting your head above the parapet and feeling exposed.
I looked at a number of other blogs and found a surprising amount of consensus about reasons for involvement. Quite a few of my fellow CPD23ites have only dipped a small toe in the blogging pool and are tentatively finding their way around. (= snap that's exactly how I feel).

I've learnt that by the simple act of commenting you:
  • Give to others 
  • Generate new ideas
  • Get practice in writing 
When I first started my blog, I tried to hide it under a bushel - but this goes against its whole ethos. Blogging is all about conversation and relationships. And now I'm inspired to put my blog forward to be listed as a Cilip Blogger. Hopefully this will spark new contacts and opportunities further down the line. 

Still though a number of questions remain floating around in my head - such as:
  • Do you get more hits by making critical comments?
  • Should you be the first to comment?
  • How much time and effort should you spend in commenting?
  • Who really has the motivation to comment - is it always the same people?
If you have the answers to any or all of these questions please let me know. 
However, what I secretly enjoyed, just as much as commenting was marvelling at the creativeness and attractiveness of the bloggers taking part in the CPD23 programme - who can but marvel at blogs with titles such as 'Aude Sapere', 'Simple Things to Make Do and Mend', 'Digressions of a Sponge for Knowledge' or 'Diarrhoea of a Madwoman' - brilliant!


Deborah Cairns said...

Hi Ed, glad to discover that other people out there are feeling as unsure about this as me, but I'm starting to get the feeling of community here. It gets more interesting by the day. Thanks for the name-check too

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I can't answer your questions but I'd say that just really trying to speak about what you're interested in helps. The most comments I have had have been from posts which I have felt strongly about.


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